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The Team

Biblical Feasts

*Hanukkah and Purim are festivals and not part of the biblical feasts laid out by God in Leviticus but are a lot of fun to celebrate!

Shofar and other Rosh Hashanah holiday attributes on white wooden table.jpg

Feast of trumpets

rosh hashanah

*Jewish New Year

*We like to blow a shofar

*Traditionally eat apple and honey or desserts

*One day the trumpet will sound and those of us who are believers in Jesus will rise to meet Him in the air (1 Corinthians 15:52)

*Begin the 10-day period known as the days of Awe leading up to the Day of Atonement.

Day of Atonement

Yom Kippur

*A time to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for our atonement.

*Jesus fulfilled the sacrificial covenant.

*Traditionally a 24-hour fast. Break the fast at sunset.

*Your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life! (Revelation 20:12, 15)

Traditional Atonement Day,worship with Holy Book and a candle on black background.Close up
Religious Festival Symbols
Religious Festival Symbols

Feast of Tabernacles


*God tabernacle with His people in the wilderness and Jesus will tabernacle with us when He returns. *We spend time outside in booths or tents. *Celebration lasts for eight days.

*It is a fun family time and a great excuse to go camping! 

*Leviticus 23:34-44.

*Focus on the Lord.

Hannukah at Home

feast of dedication


*Festival of Lights celebrates an ancient miracle where God preserved the Jews.

*Gift giving and celebrating for eight days.

*Can be found in John 10:22-23.

*God preserved a righteous line for Jesus to come into the world.

Hannukah at Home
Jewish holiday Purim concept with hamantaschen cookies or hamans ears and carnival mask .j


Casting of the lot

*Celebration of what God used Esther to do in saving His people.

*Typically read the Book of Esther.

*Boo every time Haman is mentioned.

*We make an eat hamantaschen cookies.

*Dress up like queen Esther or Mordecai.


*It is a Feast of Redemption.

*Celebrate a Passover Seder (meal) which celebrates Jesus as our Passover Lamb who takes away our sins! (John 1:29) 

*Death will pass over us as the Israelites were passed over in ancient Egypt because of the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts of their houses. (Exodus 12:1-30, Leviticus 23:5.)

*Jesus' blood is on the doorposts of our hearts.

*This celebration resembles a wedding feast, a true rehearsal for things to come.

Unleavened Bread

feast of unleavened bread

*We eat Matzah (unleavened bread) for a week representing the cleansing of sin.

*We remove all leavening (yeast) from our homes which represents sin, and we also remember Jesus was sinless.

*We like to make matzah pizza. It’s delicious!

*Exodus 13:3-16

first fruits

*Jesus was the first born from among the dead, the first fruit! (Resurrection) 

*We like to give a special offering to someone we know that is in need at this time.

*1 Corinthians 15:20

Fruits and Nuts
Wheat Field

Feast of weeks


*Celebrate the giving of the Law.

*Celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit.

*Typically read the Book of Ruth.

*Countdown from First Fruits to Pentecost is 50 days, thus the name.

*Ephesians 1:13

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