Ignite is a young adult ministry led by wade & Tina

if you are interested in joining email us at
bridegroom in the clouds
Susan saw that God was using her testimony, and His promise to her that her bridegroom would come back to her, to represent His return someday on the clouds. God has continued to orchestrate the events in Susan’s life in order to create great symbolism that speaks about being the Bride of Christ and how we should live in preparation for Christ’s return - by living lives that testify to Him and rehearsing for things to come, primarily Christ's return.
Visit BridegroomintheClouds.org to read/watch more about how God has revealed the importance of His appointed times through Susan's testimony.

Created to testify
products that tell the story
We believe we were created to testify, that everything we say and do should point people to Jesus Christ. Therefore, all of our products have a story, a testimony of how God moved in our lives and brought about the messages our products proclaim. A portion of every product sold goes to support L'Dor V'Dor Ministries.